10 Visuals That Will Transform Your Perspective

Think big, act small
  • Let yourself dream long term and big picture.
  • But remember that it’s the consistent, daily actions that will get you there.
Think big, act small
Default to saying no
  • The asks seem so small – “a quick call,” “5 minutes,” “lunch in a few weeks” – but they add up fast and interrupt your flow.
  • Work to say no to the small things as often as possible, so you can focus deeply on the few things that matter most.
Default to saying no
Focus narrowly and deeply to achieve more
  • It’s easy to spread yourself too thin with competing priorities.
  • Applying all of yourself to one task delivers tremendous results.
Focus narrowly and deeply to achieve more
Learn to accept what you can’t control
  • We spend too much time worrying about things that are outside of our control.
  • Letting those go, and focusing only on where you can have an immediate impact, will dramatically increase your productivity.
Learn to accept what you can't control
Keep it simple
  • Complexity is a very common result when trying too hard to get ahead.
  • Keeping things simple enables a more focused path to success.
Keep it simple
Comparison is unproductive
  • Any time spent comparing is time wasted – and the comparison is likely unfair anyway.
  • The only comparison you should make is you today vs. you in the past – keep moving forward.
Comparison is unproductive
Cut the distractions
  • We only get so much time each day and in general.
  • Spend it on things of personal or professional value – not what’s meaningless.
Cut the distractions
Counteract the brain’s negativity bias
  • We are evolutionarily wired toward focusing on negativity.
  • Work hard to see the wins and progress and impact so you don’t get derailed by the haters.
Counteract the brain's negativity bias
Breaks increase productivity
  • It can feel counterintuitive, but taking time off actually improves productivity.
  • Our energy is not unlimited – and it’s best when recharged.
Breaks increase productivity
Inch by inch, everything’s a cinch
  • Goals can feel overwhelming when you think about them in big chunks.
  • Break them into small, daily steps, and you’ll be making major progress in no time.
Inch by inch, everything's a cinch